Insect Problems
There are many essential oils that bugs and insects just don’t like. I make products with these oils that will help protect you from their annoyance, and some of them can help keep your plants pest free too (see product labels).
Insect-B-Gone Oil
This insect repellant works well at keeping insects at bay when dabbed on to ears, neck or “pulse points” or even put on a cotton ball and worn on the hat. Flying insects only need to smell it to be repelled. For tick protection, dab directly on skin, especially ankles. Can be used on dogs; dab a little on the tips of their ears and the fur on their backs. Diluted can be used to spray plants to deter bugs (recipe included). I use it regularly when I take the dogs to the pond. Studies indicate that Lemon eucalyptus and lemongrass oil work as well as DEET at repelling insects for short periods of time.
IBGO $10.00 - 2 ounces
Insect-B-Gone Salve
This gentle salve made from the same essential oils as the Insect-B-Gone Oil can be safely rubbed all over exposed skin (away from eyes).
IBGB $10.00