
Sondra B Johnson
P.O.Box 2081
Front Royal, Va.22630



Return this form to
 NCS Post Office Box 2081
 Front Royal, VA 22630
Please print this information carefully. Fill in the order information on the reverse of this form, tear it out and mail it to the above address, or call me at 540-635-7073 and I will personally take your order over the phone.
Name _____________________________________________
Street / Apartment _____________________________________
City _________________________________________________
State & Zip ___________________________________________
Telephone Number ( ) ________________________
E-mail (if you wish to receive newsletter) *____________________
We are able to accept VISA and MasterCard and PayPal (For PayPal, see the Website).
Name on card: __________________________
Type of Card: [ ] VISA [ ] MasterCard
Numbers: __________ __________ __________ __________
Exp. Date: ____ / ____
Signature ___________________________________________
Products "made on demand" are made at the time of order. Allow a few more days for shipping. All products are made in small batches so you may be assured your product is fresh. Essential oils have a shelf-life of up to several years. Blended oils and creams, generally a minimum of six months.
Allergies: Unless you are allergic to a particular plant, my products should not cause reactions. However, if rash or irritation appear, discontinue use.
If you have nut or wheat allergies, you should not use my products.
USPS Priority Shipping and Packaging
$3.50 (First Class, under 1 lb)
$6.50 (Priority, over 1 lb)
 Free shipping over 5 lbs

If you want your package sent UPS, FedEx or Overnight, rates will be adjusted according to actual cost.
If product is available, we ship within three days of receiving order and payment.
Overseas orders worked out individually according to shipping charges. Call or e-mail.
If you wish to receive a hard copy of the HealThy Skin Newsletter in the mail each quarter,
please add $15 to your order and write it over the words "Free E-mail." (USA only)
If you prefer to order by regular mail, print this form,

Shipping and handling will be added at the time your order is processed. If ordering by check, please call me to get the correct shipping and handling. If ordering by credit card your card will be charged according to the current postal shipping rates based on the weight of your order and distance it has to travel.