The government tells us to prepare with batteries,
water, food and medicine for emergencies like hurricanes, blizzards, earthquakes, etc. But what about over-the-counter medicine?
A trucker’s strike or a shutdown in China, our largest supplier of many over-the-counter remedies could mean the local pharmacy section of your favorite store might not have what you need and want.
How often do you stock up on items like pain relievers, antacids, eye or nose drops, laxatives, cough suppressants, mouthwash, etc.?
Wouldn’t you feel more confident if you could make these items from plants you grow in your own garden or in pots near the door?
The Little Book of Teas, Tonics & Tinctures
was created for the novice to help learn what to plant, how to plant it and how to turn it into useful medicine! Chances are you have some of those plants dried and perhaps powdered in your spice cabinet right now – sage, thyme and rosemary for example. I wrote this 20-page booklet for workshop attendees.
Now you can order it here and begin learning the why, how and what of some really good natural remedies.
The Little Book of Teas, Tonics & Tinctures
Check out our website for all the activities planned for 2018!
Sondra B. Johnson
Nature's Common Scents
PO Box 2081
Front Royal, VA 22630